From the Dead Sea Scrolls: No. 1, Lines
Dorothea Forster-Durlich , Hamburger Knabenchor Sankt Nikolai , North German Radio Symphony Orchestra , Ladislav Kupkovic , Ulf Kenklies , North German Radio Symphony Choir
From the Dead Sea Scrolls: No. 2, Mosaic
Dorothea Forster-Durlich , Hamburger Knabenchor Sankt Nikolai , North German Radio Symphony Orchestra , Ladislav Kupkovic , Ulf Kenklies , North German Radio Symphony Choir
From the Dead Sea Scrolls: No. 3, Harps
Dorothea Forster-Durlich , Hamburger Knabenchor Sankt Nikolai , North German Radio Symphony Orchestra , Ladislav Kupkovic , Ulf Kenklies , North German Radio Symphony Choir
Kathros Upsanterin: No. 4, Gregorian chant (Christian)
Radio Symphony Orchestra - Jerusalem , Yehudi Menuhin
Kathros Upsanterin: No. 5, Biblical cantillation (Jewish)
Radio Symphony Orchestra - Jerusalem , Yehudi Menuhin
Three Vocalises for Peter Breughel: No. 1, The tower of Babel
Joan Franks Williams , Shmuel Achiezer , Walter Meroz , Charles Bettler , Benny Sluchin , Kenneth Kronn , Ruth Maayani , Zmira Lutzky , Raphael Markus , Eva Marco-Strauss , Shifra Lipsky-Sluchin , Naomi Enoch , Teddy Kling , Emilie Berendsen
Three Vocalises for Peter Breughel: No. 2, Hunters in the snow
Joan Franks Williams , Shmuel Achiezer , Walter Meroz , Charles Bettler , Benny Sluchin , Kenneth Kronn , Ruth Maayani , Zmira Lutzky , Raphael Markus , Eva Marco-Strauss , Shifra Lipsky-Sluchin , viola , Naomi Enoch , Teddy Kling , Emilie Berendsen
Three Vocalises for Peter Breughel: No. 3, The peasants' dance
Joan Franks Williams , Shmuel Achiezer , Walter Meroz , Charles Bettler , Benny Sluchin , Kenneth Kronn , Ruth Maayani , Zmira Lutzky , Raphael Markus , Eva Marco-Strauss , Shifra Lipsky-Sluchin , Naomi Enoch , Teddy Kling , Emilie Berendsen