It's Alright to Be Yourself

It's Alright to Be Yourself

Executive Producer: Eddie Allen Jr. Producers: Eddie Allen Jr., Nate Johnson Additional Production: ToNe Atlanta, Scharod "Danger" Jackson Rap: T.Murf ada D.R., Darnesha Allen Bass Guitar: Eddie Allen Jr. Keyboards, Drums, Synths, Guitars: "Hurricane" Nate Johnson Additional Guitars: Rick Rudica, Ronnie Biggs, Stephan "Pfun Pfun" Perry Lead Vocals: Eddie Allen Jr., Terrence "T.Murf aka D.R" Murphy, Antonio "ToNe Atlanta" Whitfield, Darnesha Allen, Scharod "Danger" Jackson, Scharodrick "Preach" Jackson, Jeni Williams Background Vocals: Eddie Allen Jr., Darnesha Allen, "Hurricane" Nate Johnson, Terrence "T.Murf aka D.R." Murphy, Antonio "ToNe Atlanta" Whitfield Drums: Micah "Spike" Johnston Special Thanks: God, Mama Whitfield and the Whitfield family (Skipper, Connie, Tiki, Monica, Romero (R.I.P.), AOC (Terrence "T.Murf" Murphy, Scharod "Danger" Jackson, Scharodrick "Preach" Jackson, Stephan "Pfun Pfun" Perry, Micah "Spike" Johnston, "Hurricane" Nate Johnson), ToNe Atlanta, my daughter Darnesha Allen, Power Action Ministries (Minister Geraldine and Minister Newchurch), Stanley Wooley and Witness Protection Ministries, Ira Rankins, Adrian Sawyer, Darryl Farrie, Casey Graham, Lonnie Robinson, Dennis Banks, Dennis Blade, Ronnie Biggs, Sidney Hill and family, and all of my friends and fans. Walk That Walk, and this whole project is dedicated to our dad, the late David Whitfield.

It's Alright to Be Yourself

Eddie Allen Jr. · 1709913600000

Executive Producer: Eddie Allen Jr. Producers: Eddie Allen Jr., Nate Johnson Additional Production: ToNe Atlanta, Scharod "Danger" Jackson Rap: T.Murf ada D.R., Darnesha Allen Bass Guitar: Eddie Allen Jr. Keyboards, Drums, Synths, Guitars: "Hurricane" Nate Johnson Additional Guitars: Rick Rudica, Ronnie Biggs, Stephan "Pfun Pfun" Perry Lead Vocals: Eddie Allen Jr., Terrence "T.Murf aka D.R" Murphy, Antonio "ToNe Atlanta" Whitfield, Darnesha Allen, Scharod "Danger" Jackson, Scharodrick "Preach" Jackson, Jeni Williams Background Vocals: Eddie Allen Jr., Darnesha Allen, "Hurricane" Nate Johnson, Terrence "T.Murf aka D.R." Murphy, Antonio "ToNe Atlanta" Whitfield Drums: Micah "Spike" Johnston Special Thanks: God, Mama Whitfield and the Whitfield family (Skipper, Connie, Tiki, Monica, Romero (R.I.P.), AOC (Terrence "T.Murf" Murphy, Scharod "Danger" Jackson, Scharodrick "Preach" Jackson, Stephan "Pfun Pfun" Perry, Micah "Spike" Johnston, "Hurricane" Nate Johnson), ToNe Atlanta, my daughter Darnesha Allen, Power Action Ministries (Minister Geraldine and Minister Newchurch), Stanley Wooley and Witness Protection Ministries, Ira Rankins, Adrian Sawyer, Darryl Farrie, Casey Graham, Lonnie Robinson, Dennis Banks, Dennis Blade, Ronnie Biggs, Sidney Hill and family, and all of my friends and fans. Walk That Walk, and this whole project is dedicated to our dad, the late David Whitfield.