In Spiritum: Music for Cello and Bandoneon
IN SPIRITUM is a project born from the friendship and collaboration of Federico Bracalente and Daniele di Bonaventura, with the idea of merging the sounds of their instruments, the cello and the bandoneon, into a single sound organism. The repertoire is chosen from three-voice polyphonic vocal literature, both sacred and profane, with the idea of re-elaborating it through the insertion of free and improvised parts. Already at the time, there was a practice of improvising pieces to alternate with other written pieces. Tinctoris in the 'Liber de arte contrapuncti' describes the custom of Cantare super librum, i.e. the ability of performers to elaborate a counterpoint in their minds. Taking advantage of the vocal characteristics of the two instruments, the wide range of the cello and the two liturgical registers of the bandoneon (left hand and right hand), the music sounds as if there were three singers, placing it in a new instrumental timbral context. Presented are works by Mouton, Dufay, Agricola, Binchois, Palestrina and works by bandoneonist Daniele di Bonaventura.