艾薇儿Avril Lavigne最新派台主打曲《I Fell In Love With The Devil》发布,原单曲收录在新近发行的第六张创作大碟《Head Above Water》当中。歌曲讲述她与莱姆病(Lyme disease)对抗的日子,被“恶魔”缠身的她,虽心生畏惧,饱受其折磨与苦痛,但她并没有放弃抵抗,而是勇敢面对,积极战胜病魔。 关于单曲封面,6月7号艾薇儿在社交平台发文向粉丝征集单曲封面设计,最终一位多才多艺的粉丝的作品被选中! "I’ll never, never betray! But it was fierce and I was really scared. I was still weakened and already so vulnerable and fearful and insecure at the time. Then he came. That was what they call a “toxic relationship,” and the only good thing is that it did not take long. I was out of there fast, literally stormed. And as it often happens with me, a song evolved from the experience." By Avril Lavigne
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