Davide Mazzilli - How I Work [PinkStar Records - PKS309] Ever wanted to witness how profound PinkStar Records producer DAVIDE MAZZILLI works? Well now you can, with his new release HOW I WORK. Audibly witness his FLOWS, SLAPS, HATS, and TRACK STACKS all layered out for you amoungst the TIMELY KICKS, TICKS, and PERCUSSIVE CLICKS! ATTENTION: (Not literally to be used as a training tutorial, although it can inspire) Infos: https://www.sirupmusic.com https://www.youtube.com/sirupmusic https://www.facebook.com/sirupmusic https://www.facebook.com/PinkStarRecords https://www.facebook.com/DjDavideMazzilli https://www.instagram.com/DavideMazzillidj https://www.soundcloud.com/davidemazzilli