“Horoscopes” was written when I was looking for pillars of strength, or omens in my life. I watched a heap of online Tarot readers to try to predict things, I put my life in everyone else's hands and was at the mercy of that whirlwind in a strange new city. It explores the push / pull dynamic of wanting to be with someone that you know isn’t good for you. It also is a scenic time stamp of my time in Fremantle, processing the collapse of my old life in Margaret River and taking time to myself. The chorus really describes the internal battle of trying to protect yourself while also being so far in love that you just want the other person around, even if it’s doomed. There was a big learning process that my lack of boundaries and going with the flow, was only hurting myself in the long run. To leave the “safety net” and comfort of someone you know and love so much, is scary. To demand better is brave. This song again, was a real step in taking back control of my life again and not just letting life happen to me. To not drag out endings, to not romanticize something that wasn’t making me feel good. I also read a lot of horoscopes because this guy was so off and on, I was always on edge, so I was constantly watching youtube videos and reading his horoscope to see “what would happen” rather than live on my own terms. This is one of my favourite songs, it was the moment during the recording process I felt like I had my own sound. I could see the beauty of the prairie when I was singing it and I love the sounds we used to create that nostalgia and the two landscapes of where the song was written and where my life led me.
Paige Valentine的其他专辑
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