作为来到Blue Note的第五张新专辑,马沙利斯跳开了以美国本土议题为主的专辑概念,转而在这张专辑中选中了一个隽永而举世皆著迷的题材:男女两性。也因为这个亘古的题材,让他选择以经典的爵士口吻来铺陈,从片首的纽奥良爵士往下一路发展,他藉手中的爵士音乐,在一张专辑中,藉著诗词朗诵和音乐的交织,讲述了一段纵横一生的爱情故事,这裡面不是只有恋爱和浪漫,还有苦涩和回忆,从初吻、首次舞会、一路讲到垂暮的爱情和近代,也因为这样的时光推移,片中的音乐语彙,也好像是一部二十世纪的爵士史一样,在片中主角爱情故事的带领下,走过各种年代的爵士风格,包括摇摆乐、蓝调、咆勃、硬咆勃、后咆勃到融合爵士,但整体音乐则卸除了他以往偶尔的前卫作风,完全走怀旧、舒畅的路线。片中除了马沙利斯的音乐作品外,还由他亲自朗诵自己的诗作,让整张专辑,不仅仅感官诉求的音乐商品,而是结合了文字与意念的声音表演艺术作品。 除此之外,本片中另一个值得一提的是,马沙利斯这次合作的对象也有了变化,他邀来新秀钢琴家Dan Nimmer合作,加上由鼓手Ali Jackson、萨克斯风手Walter Blanding、贝斯手Carlos Henriquez等人,组成这个新的五重奏,透过这个组合,马沙利斯用声音诠释一个既简单又複杂的主-爱,并呈现出一张易懂、耐听、饶富深意的爵士专辑。 As the title to WYNTON MARSALIS's fifth Blue Note release indicates, He and She is about that eternally compelling and most elemental of subjects: the relationship between a man and a woman. The Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, trumpeter, and band leader, however, hasn't merely crafted a love story, but a life story -- a bittersweet rumination about the evanescence of life as well as the elusiveness of romance. Time is very much at the heart of He and She: the swift passage of time over the course of one's life, the mood-altering shifts of time within the duration of a song. It's an ambitious effort, combining spoken word and music, and Marsalis has given his quintet some formidable charts. The album is tempered with dashes of humor and plenty of swing. There's ease and elegance and more than a little wisdom in these grooves.
Wynton Marsalis的其他专辑
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