ホンマにお手上げなのは 地球で人間じゃない (It is the planet and not human that is really in trouble) 悲鳴を上げた山と海の絶滅アニマル (Extinct animals in mountains and ocean have been screaming) もおええってどれだけ満たせば満足するの (How much more is enough to satisfy you?) 底なしの煩悩 (Bottomless human's worldly desires ) 対決( the worldly desire vs the worldly desire) ハッケヨイ(Hakke Yoi: In Sumo wrestling when just before the fight, the judge says Hakke Yoi to start the fight) Hakke Yoi Hakke Yoi Hakke Yoi Hakke Yoi どこでテストができるんかちゃんと 教えて欲しい (I just need you to tell me where I can do a (Covid 19) test / we wrote this song during the beginning of the pandemic) インターネットで検索しても情報古すぎ (Searching on the internet, but the information is too old.) 散待って順番きたら子供はダメだと (I waited a long time for my kid to get tested, and when it was our turn, they said no kids allowed for the test here) おー手あげヤー おー手あげヤー (I give up, I raise my hands) キリキリマイや ギリギリマイや (we are on the edge) コロナで汚職が丸見えや (Corruption in full view from Corona) あああ愛を語れよ 政治家 (Yo politicians. Speak of love, do politics from your heart) あああ雨土と共に浄化 (Purification with the rain and soil) おおお王蟲の目玉も真っ赤っか (The eyes of the king bugs are bright red, too ) (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Miyazaki film there is the huge bugs called OHMU. When they get angry , their eyes turn into red. They represent the anger of earth) だだだ大地の怒りがクークークーデーター (Wrath of Earth. Earth causes a Coup d'état to mankind )
WaqWaq Kingdom的其他专辑
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