Part I, the Arrest: Im Namen Des Vaters (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part I, the Arrest: Nach Diesen Worten (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part I, the Arrest: Chorale: Herr, Ich Habe Missgehandelt
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part I, the Arrest: Simon Petrus Aber (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part I, the Arrest: Air: In Dir Ist Frieden (The Angel)
Theresa Krügl , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part II, the Interrogation of Hannah and the Denial Through Simon Peter: Die Soldaten, Ihre Befehlshaber (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part II, the Interrogation of Hannah and the Denial Through Simon Peter: Chorale: Seelig Ist Die Seele
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part II, the Interrogation of Hannah and the Denial Through Simon Peter: Die Hohepriester … (Evangelist) - Ich Habe Offen Vor Aller Welt [Jesus]
Lorin Wey , Michael Nagl , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part II, the Interrogation of Hannah and the Denial Through Simon Peter: Wer Schlägt Dich? (The Angel)
Theresa Krügl , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part II, the Interrogation of Hannah and the Denial Through Simon Peter: Chorale: Mache Dich O Mensch Bereit
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part II, the Interrogation of Hannah and the Denial Through Simon Peter: Simon Petrus Aber … (Evangelist) - Da Schaut [Chorus]
Lorin Wey , Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part II, the Interrogation of Hannah and the Denial Through Simon Peter: Er Leugnete Und Sagte (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part II, the Interrogation of Hannah and the Denial Through Simon Peter: Air: Es War Verwunderlich (The Rooster)
Anna-Katharina Tonauer , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Von Kajaphas Brachten Sie Jesus (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Wenn Er Kein Übeltäter Wäre (Chorus)
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Pilatus Sagte Zu Ihnen (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Uns Ist Es Nicht Gestattet (Chorus)
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: So Sollte Sich Das Wort Erfüllen (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Chorale: Gar Nicht Flüchtig Und Sehr Wichtig
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Pilatus Ging Wieder in Das Praetorium Hinein (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Chorale: Herr! Ich Glaube, Hilf Mir Schwachen
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Nachdem Er Das Gesagt Hatte (Evangelist) - Ich Finde Keinen Grund [Pilatus]
Lorin Wey , David Sitka , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Nicht Diesen Sondern Barrabas (Chorus)
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Air: Was Habe Ich Getan? (Simon Petrus)
Matthias Liener , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Die Soldaten Flochten Einen Kranz (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Heil Dir König Der Juden (Chorus)
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Chorale: Wer Hat Dich so Geschlagen
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Pilatus Ging Wieder Hinaus (Evangelist) - Seht, Ich Bringe Ihn Zu Euch [Pontius Pilate]
Lorin Wey , David Sitka , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Ans Kreuz Mit Ihm (Chorus)
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Nehmt Ihn Und Kreuzigt Ihn (Pontius Pilate)
David Sitka , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Wir Haben Ein Gesetz (Chorus)
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Als Pilatus Das Hörte (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Wenn Du Ihn Freilässt (Chorus)
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Auf Diese Worte Hin (Evangelist) - Weg Mit Ihm [Chorus]
Lorin Wey , Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part III, the Interrogation and Sentencing Through Pilate: Chorale: O Große Lieb
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Sie Übernahmen Jesu (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Sag Nicht, Der König Der Juden (The Four High Priests)
Richard Strobl , Christoph Bleiberschnig , Kyung-Chan Bahk , Philipp Eduard , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Chorale: Valet Will Ich Dir Geben
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Nachdem Die Soldaten Jesus Ans Kreuz Geschlagen Hatten (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Wir Wollen Ihn Nicht Zerteilen (Chorus)
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: So Sollte Sich Das Schriftwort Erfüllen (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Air: Geh Nicht Nach Syrien, Sagten Sie (Pontius Pilate)
David Sitka , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Chorale: Ach Liebe Seele
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Bei Dem Kreuz … (Evangelist) - Frau Siehe Deinen Sohn [Jesus]
Lorin Wey , Michael Nagl , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Johannes, Johannes! (The Angel)
Theresa Krügl , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Danach, Als Alles Vollbracht War (Jesu Tod, Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part IV, the Execution of Jesus: Chorale: Das Hat Er Alles Uns Getan
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part V, the Burial of the Body: Weil Rüsttag War (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part V, the Burial of the Body: Chorale: Ich Rief Den Herrn in Meiner Not
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part V, the Burial of the Body: Und Der, Der Es Gesehn Hat (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part V, the Burial of the Body: Josef Aus Arimathäa (The Angel)
Theresa Krügl , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part V, the Burial of the Body: So Tat Josef Wie Ihm Befohlen Ward (Evangelist)
Lorin Wey , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi
Part V, the Burial of the Body: Chorale: O Traurigkeit, O Herzeleid
Chorus Duplex Wien , Louie's Cage Percussion , Guido Mancusi