The Bells of Solemnes Abbey 1955
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Easter Mass:Introit Resurrexi (Mode IV)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Easter Mass:Gradual Hoec Dies (Mode II)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Easter Mass:Alleluja Pasha Nostrum (Mode VIII)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Easter Mass:Sequence Victimae Paschali (Mode I)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Easter Mass:Offertory Terra Tremuit (Mode IV)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Easter Mass:Communion Pascha Nostrum (Mode VI)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Officium - Invatory:Surrexit Dominus (Mode VI)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Officium - Hymn from Laudis:Aurora Lucis (Mode VIII)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Officium - Hamn from Vespers:Ad Coenam (Mode VIII)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Officium - Antiphons:Regina Caeli (Mode VI)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Officium - Antiphons:Alleluja Lapis Revolutus Est (Mode V)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Officium - Antiphons:Alleluja Quem Quaeris Mulier (Mode 5), Alleluja Noli Flere Maria (Modus 5)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB
Officium - Alleluja Hymn Salve Festa Dies (Mode IV)
Choir of the Monks of the Abbey Saint Pierre de Solemes , Dom. Joseph Garjard , OSB