Faust, CG 4, Act I Scene 1: Nothing! In vain I have probed… (Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act I Scene 1: Lazy little daughter open up your eyes (Chorus, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act I Scene 1: Can your God help me know the truth? (Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act I Scene 2: Here I am! You seem somewhat startled (Mephitopheles, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act I Scene 2: So bring me the bliss of careless excesses (Faust, Mephistopheles)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 1: Beer or gin or wine or kvass (Chorus, Wagner)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Matthew Hargreaves , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 2: Oh, sacred medallion from the sister I love (Valentin, Wagner, Siébel, Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Garry Magee , Matthew Hargreaves , Diana Montague , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 2: Duty bids me leave this place (Valentin)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Garry Magee
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 2: Cheer up, my friends! (Wagner, Chorus, Mephistopheles)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Matthew Hargreaves , Alastair Miles , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 3: Pride of place to the golden calf! (Mephistopheles)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Alastair Miles , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 3: Your song deserves our thanks! (Chorus, Valentin, Wagner, Mephistopheles, Siébel)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Garry Magee , Matthew Hargreaves , Alastair Miles , Diana Montague
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 3: Though the fiends of hell may defy resistance (Siébel, Valentin, Wagner, Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Diana Montague , Garry Magee , Matthew Hargreaves , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 4: You haven't seen the last of me yet! (Mephistopheles, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Alastair Miles , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 5: Just as when the whispering breezes… (Chorus, Mephistopheles, Faust, Siébel)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Alastair Miles , Paul Charles Clarke , Diana Montague , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act II Scene 5: May I presume to ask… (Faust, Matguerite, Siébel, Mephistopheles, Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Mary Plazas , Diana Montague , Alastair Miles , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 1: You must help me reveal the love I feel (Siébel)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Diana Montague
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 2: Are we there? (Faust, Mephistopheles, Siébel)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles , Diana Montague
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 3: Wait here for a while, Doctor Faust (Mephistopheles, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 4: What turbulent feelings possess me? (Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 5: Be careful! Here she comes! (Mephistopheles, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 6: He would hae held my hand if I'd only allowed him (Marguerite)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 6: A bouquet! It's from Siébel I'm sure (Marguerite)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 7: Bless my soul, I'm dreaming! (Martha, Marguerite)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas , Sarah Walker
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 8: Dame Martha Schwerlein, I believe (Mephistopheles, Martha, Marguerite, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles , Sarah Walker
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 9: Please take my arm, they won't mind! (Faust, Marguerite, Mephistopheles, Martha)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles , Sarah Walker
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 10: And none too soon! (Mephistopheles)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Alastair Miles
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 11: It's very late… Farewell! (Marguerite, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 12: Marguerite! (Faust, Marguerite)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act III Scene 13: Look there! She's opening her window… (Mephistopheles, Marguerite, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles
Faust, CG 4, Act VI Scene 1: They pass me in the street… (Marguerite, Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 2: Marguerite! Siébel! (Siébel, Marguerite)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Diana Montague , Mary Plazas
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 2: When happy days bring gladness and laughter (Siébel, Marguerite)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Diana Montague , Mary Plazas
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 3: Dear Lord, accept the prayers of a penitent sinner (Marguerite, Mephistopheles, Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Mary Plazas , Alastair Miles , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 4: Come along my brothers (Chorus, Valentin, Siébel)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Garry Magee , Diana Montague , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 4: We seek the soldier's immortal prize (Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 5: Come on, Siébel, I need a drink or two! (Valentin, Siébel, Mephistopheles, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Garry Magee , Diana Montague , Alastair Miles , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 6: Is my love awake or sleeping (Mephistopheles)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Alastair Miles
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 7: What can I do for you? (Valentin, Mephistopheles, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Alastair Miles , Garry Magee , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 8: Over here, come at once! (Martha, Chorus, Valentin, Marguerite, Siébel)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Garry Magee , Mary Plazas , Diana Montague , Sarah Walker , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act IV Scene 8: Pay heed to my words, Marguerite! (Valentin, Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Garry Magee , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act V Scene 1: Over the heather, through the marshes (Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act V Scene 1: No further! (Faust, Mephistopheles, Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act V Scene 2: Till the sun awakes in the east (Mephistopheles, Chorus, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act V Scene 2: Honeyed nectar, share your pleasure (Faust, Chorus, Mephistopheles)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Faust, CG 4, Act V Scene 3: May your elation, O careless love (Mephistopheles, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles
Faust, CG 4, Act V Scene 4: Go back! (Faust, Mephistopheles)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Alastair Miles
Faust, CG 4, Act V Scene 5: My heart quails at the thought of this meeting! (Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke
Faust, CG 4, Act V Scene 5: Ah! Do I hear my lover's voice? (Marguerite, Faust)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Mary Plazas
Faust, CG 4, Act V Scene 6: Make haste now! (Mephistopheles, Marguerite, Faust, Chorus)
David Parry , Philharmonic Orchestra , Paul Charles Clarke , Mary Plazas , Alastair Miles , Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
David Parry的其他专辑
- 1638720000000
- 1638720000000
- 1540483200000
Philharmonic Orchestra的其他专辑
Paul Charles Clarke的其他专辑
- 1033401600000
- 1028131200000
Alastair Miles的其他专辑
- Bach-Collegium Stuttgart , Limburger Domsingknaben , Maria Stader , Neill Stuart , Margot Guilleaume , Brigitte Durrler , Münchner MotettenChor , Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks , Helmuth Rilling , Barbara Schlick , Münchener Bach-Chor , Hertha Töpper , Hans-Dieter Schone , Margit Kobeck , Julia Hamari , ResidenzOrchester München , Barbara Hölzl , Margaret Marshall , Roberto Sacca , Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart , Alastair Miles , Cornelia Kallisch , Donna Brown , Erika Schmidt-Valentin , Ibolya Verebics , Münchener Bach-Orchester , John van Kesteren , Sächsischer Staatsopernchor Dresden , Johannes Feyerabend , Werner Krenn , Hans Rudolf Zobeley , Andreas Schulist
Mary Plazas的其他专辑
- 1170259200000
- 1080748800000
- 1044028800000
- 1033401600000
- 1033401600000
Garry Magee的其他专辑
- 1044028800000
- 1033401600000
- 988646400000
Diana Montague的其他专辑
- 1091289600000
- 1072886400000
- 1033401600000