GEMINI, the first solo project by Pittsburgh-based rapper Yuhao Wu, is the reflection of the artist’s life journey and his idiosyncratic personality. Being an individual who has high hopes for his future, the 22-year-old rapper expresses his feelings on his past experiences and the jet-setting lifestyle that he has been longing for. Throughout the 10-song album, Wu takes his listeners on a trip that starts with frivolous things Geminis are expected to do. Then, he shifts the main focus from drinking and partying to a deeper self-reflection, bringing out the long-hidden positive energy from deep down. In the last song SPEEDWAY, Yuhao Wu is finally untethered from his own negativity and steps on the road once again. 《双子座》 是常驻于匹兹堡的说唱歌手吴宇浩的第一张个人专辑。这张专辑反映了他的作为歌手的心路历程,也是他本人性格的写照。作为一个对自己寄予厚望的人,这位22岁的说唱歌手表达了他对以往人生经历的感触,也表达了他对富豪一族生活的向往。在这张10首歌曲的专辑中,吴宇浩带领听众进行着一场带有双子座特质的音乐旅程。然后,他由外而内地开始探索内心世界,从心灵深处挖掘出了长期隐藏的积极能量。在最后一首歌曲《 SPEEDWAY》中,吴宇浩终于摆脱了自己的消极情绪,再次勇敢启程。


Yuhao Wu · 1593532800000

GEMINI, the first solo project by Pittsburgh-based rapper Yuhao Wu, is the reflection of the artist’s life journey and his idiosyncratic personality. Being an individual who has high hopes for his future, the 22-year-old rapper expresses his feelings on his past experiences and the jet-setting lifestyle that he has been longing for. Throughout the 10-song album, Wu takes his listeners on a trip that starts with frivolous things Geminis are expected to do. Then, he shifts the main focus from drinking and partying to a deeper self-reflection, bringing out the long-hidden positive energy from deep down. In the last song SPEEDWAY, Yuhao Wu is finally untethered from his own negativity and steps on the road once again. 《双子座》 是常驻于匹兹堡的说唱歌手吴宇浩的第一张个人专辑。这张专辑反映了他的作为歌手的心路历程,也是他本人性格的写照。作为一个对自己寄予厚望的人,这位22岁的说唱歌手表达了他对以往人生经历的感触,也表达了他对富豪一族生活的向往。在这张10首歌曲的专辑中,吴宇浩带领听众进行着一场带有双子座特质的音乐旅程。然后,他由外而内地开始探索内心世界,从心灵深处挖掘出了长期隐藏的积极能量。在最后一首歌曲《 SPEEDWAY》中,吴宇浩终于摆脱了自己的消极情绪,再次勇敢启程。


Yuhao Wu的其他专辑