Originally released by Majmua Music at 2008, USA. www.majmua.museumfire.com/vluba.htm "Born on the lovely chrome moon and currently residing in Buenos Aires, Argentina; (((vlubä))) come down from the High Spheres to bring you some of their Eternal Magical Music. Weird psychedelica, drone rock, free(ak) rock, no music, harsh acid noise, long distant folk, electronic noise; cosmic kingdom music, conceptual art music, free improvisation… all these labels have been used in an attempt to convey what it is that (((vlubä))) are bringing out in their spirited onslaught of sound . Never staying in one place for too long, let’s say that this release is indeed eternal magical music and leave it at that shall we?" Majmua Music - 2008 Foxy Digitalis Review: "Vlubä are an Argentine group that has absorbed and blended drone, psych freakout jams, Latin and Asian folk percussion to create a mix that sounds mystical and personal at once. You can imagine hearing the 2 long tracks that make up ?Eternal Music? around a campfire, with friends, with or without peyote. The first track is the more trad sounding of the two untitled pieces here; the second uses more ambient and electronic... washes. There is definitely a trippy aspect to the affair, with both tracks employing minimal themes and repetition. What makes this music eternal, aside from whatever spiritual aim its players may have had, is the timelessness of the arrangements. It is difficult to place it, as it fits easily into many of today?s underground genres as well as ancient local rhythms. Vlubä have released quite a few records over the years, most recently last year?s ? Inventions for Inflatable Guitar.? They make music that playfully explores form while remaining grounded in a single unifying line or two in each piece. Use it for whatever you want; it is good, powerful music for fore and background. 7/10 -- Mike Wood (5 May, 2008)" released July 13, 2008 lula und aphra: all the mysterious sounds and unmysterious sounds.
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