

嗟尔蜉蝣羽,薨薨亦何为。 蚍蜉亦敢撼树,而不惧朝生暮死。 人生是漫长亦是瞬息,亦是一场此起彼伏的旅行,亦是有大起也逃不过那大落。 每一个生灵的降世,至此则必有己责,纵使人生天地间如白驹过隙,亦不忘至千里之行。 蜉蝣,如你,如我,如歌,若梦。 厂牌全新单曲《Ephemeron》来自尘世间的一位神秘的制作人的投稿。 封面设计:琉萤夏 发行:玲钟乐府厂牌 Ho Er mayfly feather, what is Honghong. The ant also dares to shake the tree, but is not afraid of life and death. Life is long and fleeting. It is also a trip that rises and falls one after another. There are big ups and downs that can't escape. At this point, every living creature must have his own responsibility. Even if the gap between heaven and earth is like a white horse, he will not forget to travel a thousand miles. Mayflies, like you, like me, like songs, like dreams. The brand-new single "ephemeron" came from a mysterious producer on earth. Cover design: Lingyu Xia Issue: LingKong Records


琉萤夏 · 1657897883496

嗟尔蜉蝣羽,薨薨亦何为。 蚍蜉亦敢撼树,而不惧朝生暮死。 人生是漫长亦是瞬息,亦是一场此起彼伏的旅行,亦是有大起也逃不过那大落。 每一个生灵的降世,至此则必有己责,纵使人生天地间如白驹过隙,亦不忘至千里之行。 蜉蝣,如你,如我,如歌,若梦。 厂牌全新单曲《Ephemeron》来自尘世间的一位神秘的制作人的投稿。 封面设计:琉萤夏 发行:玲钟乐府厂牌 Ho Er mayfly feather, what is Honghong. The ant also dares to shake the tree, but is not afraid of life and death. Life is long and fleeting. It is also a trip that rises and falls one after another. There are big ups and downs that can't escape. At this point, every living creature must have his own responsibility. Even if the gap between heaven and earth is like a white horse, he will not forget to travel a thousand miles. Mayflies, like you, like me, like songs, like dreams. The brand-new single "ephemeron" came from a mysterious producer on earth. Cover design: Lingyu Xia Issue: LingKong Records