"From the unstable vessel, a frictionless plateau or runway is witnessed surfacing soon after you piece together the vision, and you begin to slide along it. Wet birds gyre, forming a huge effigy that tells you your new name, sparrowhawk. A chorus and ensemble waver in and out of view as another vast body begins to emerge from below. From the hazy distance, a corps of wind players approach as a series of depth charges detonate, scattering the birds and sky-borne musicians. A purple-clad bombhead throws a sack of apples in your direction, causing you to tumble roll. On resurfacing, the plateau has reorganised itself into a shifting array of cubes and pipes (zadar sea organ mecha). This continues in crescendo, accumulating drumming box jellies, vibrating rubber tubes that straddle the ocean sky barrier, once-distant churches, and - Cloud cover lowers.you instantly are approaching the lead mines.a fog soaked November.that robin still calls from the hawthorn. . . June, cumulonimbus warships idle on the horizon, their gun turrets played by a westerly. From along the promenade a miniature wheeled train arrives, hitting a lamppost and, crumpling into the sand digger, becomes a violent mechanic amalgam that methodically untethers the fishing boats, rips up the groins and compacts the beach huts, using telegraph cables and succulent root systems to tie the pieces together into an enormous raft, which it floats out on the waveless channel. As it slowly gondoliers itself away from shore, it performs a plodding series of rotational movements that increase in complexity and variety, the entire form of the amalgam changing at the apex of each movement, and its the central crux eventually dissolving entirely. 5 chinooks arrive from the nearby base, hovering still as officers launch a tirade of artillery at the beast. The heads of selkies bob up between waves, as they attempt to shift the energy through echoing phrases. Eventually the military win, and the beast sinks defeated. The raft continues its journey toward the horizon, sparking intermittently."
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