

Geowulf made a mark in 2018 with the luminous debut album, ‘Great Big Blue’ featuring breakout single, ’Saltwater’. The sophomore album, ‘My Resignation’ followed in 2019 before two more EPs, ‘Whirlwind’ in 2022 and ‘Woman’ in 2023. Geowulf (Star Kendrick) has an emotionally honest playing field, you can expect empowered yet honest accounts of life and love through her upcoming releases as this new iteration ushers in an era of unbridled honesty and expression.


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Geowulf made a mark in 2018 with the luminous debut album, ‘Great Big Blue’ featuring breakout single, ’Saltwater’. The sophomore album, ‘My Resignation’ followed in 2019 before two more EPs, ‘Whirlwind’ in 2022 and ‘Woman’ in 2023. Geowulf (Star Kendrick) has an emotionally honest playing field, you can expect empowered yet honest accounts of life and love through her upcoming releases as this new iteration ushers in an era of unbridled honesty and expression.

