Set in the South two years before the Civil War, DJANGO UNCHAINED stars Django, a slave whose brutal history with his former owners lands him face-top-face with German-born bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz. Schultz is on the trail of the murderous Brittle brothers, and only Django can lead him to his bounty. The unorthodox Schultz acquires Django with a promise to free him upon the capture of the Brittles--dead or alive. Success leads Schultz to free Django, though the two men choose not to go their separate ways. Instead, Schultz seeks out the South's most wanted criminals with Django by his side. Honing vital hunting skills, Django remains focused on one goal: finding and rescuing Broomhilda, the wife he lost to the slave trade long ago. Django and Schultz's search ultimately leads them to Calvin Candie, the proprietor of "Candlyand," an infamous plantation. Exploring the compound under false pretenses, Django and Schultz arouse the suspicion of Stephen, Candie's trusted house slave. Their moves are marked, and a treacherous organization closes in on them. If Django and Schultz are to escape with Broomhilda, they must choose between independence and solidarity, between sacrifice and survival.
Various Artists的其他专辑
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- 只收录了本人觉得好听的OST,并未收全(完整歌单可以去云村搜索其他小伙伴的歌单)。 好莱坞往事我还没看,暂未收录。 只是我自己听的歌单而已,别逼逼。 封面:低俗小说20周年纪念复古烟卡设计,来自南非开普敦创意工作室MUTI Studio。
- 电影鬼才昆汀 收录了该导演电影中的17首经典到耳朵怀孕的插曲 昆汀家里黑胶唱片多到难以置信 也许正是如此 拍电影时配乐抓的得心应手 每一个插曲都能巧妙把握 在音乐背景下升华情节 给人不一样的感受
- 所谓神插入,其实是音乐插入影片的节点很应景,歌曲出现的时候,不是引出了泪点,就是笑点。哪怕是放在片尾,大家也静静的在电影院为了这首歌不忍离席,或是马上百度歌名下载反复听。接下来是阅片量小调研:猜猜看能听出来几部电影?(歌单转自知乎,原帖里掺杂了配乐或很多连续剧的歌曲,这里面精选后删除了。)封面手绘:螺丝起子~