Dazed [deɪzd] 1. in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock 2. stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion) 1. 멍한, 망연한 [제대로 생각하거나 반응할 수 없는 상태. 혼란스러워 명확하게 생각하거나 지능적으로 행동할 수 없는 상태]. [CREDIT] 01. My Savior Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, Maroon beatz Arranged by. Maroon beatz 02. If I die Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, 이예인 Arranged by. 이예인 Piano by. 이예인 String by. 이예인 Bass by. 이예인 Guitar by. 남기준 03. Reckless Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, StoneSoWavy! Arranged by. StoneSoWavy! 04. HL Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, autrioly Arranged by. autrioly 05. I can't th1nk pr0per1y Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, autrioly Arranged by. autrioly 06. Slow Down Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, StoneSoWavy! Arranged by. StoneSoWavy! 07. Betty Blue Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, StoneSoWavy! Arranged by. StoneSoWavy! 08. Pony girl Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, autrioly Arranged by. autrioly 09. Breathe : Panic Disorder Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, autrioly Arranged by. autrioly 10. Goodbye! Lyrics by. ROSESIA Composed by. ROSESIA, autrioly Arranged by. autrioly All tracks mixed by. ROSESIA Track 2, 3 inst Mixed by. Sebum Lee All tracks Mastered by. Sebum Lee