Today out on Blackbird a super tasty little track. So tasty in fact that you'd have to be something of a corpse not to want to appreciate it where it really belongs - on the dancefloor. Dutch duo Gabriel Vezzola and Steven Willems, better known as Gabriel & Castellon, are ready and waiting to hit you with Da Capo - prepare to be caught in the web of its catchiness. Da Capo is ultra-infectious with a lovely little electronic hook around which the boys hang the rest of the track. The duo's tight production skills and their intelligence are certainly both in evidence here - it's no surprise at all that they've already been called up to remix a huge range of artists that include Kid Massive, Prok & Fitch, Mike Polo, Muzikjunki, Lojak and Plastic Funk. They make fabulous use of all the weapons at their disposal, building the track up and dropping it down to its barest bones with an awesome understanding of the dynamics of an amazing house record. Getting gradually deeper and harder, the tune builds around the unforgettable hook, adding some nice subtle layers to create a nice full sound. And like any good club tune, this track is a total tease. It's nicely structured and once it begins pushing relentlessly towards the drop you know is coming it's hard not to get twitchy with anticipation. Holding back for just the right amount of time, it's a classic build-up that lets the tune off the leash at exactly the right time - you can picture the crown reaction in minute detail just by closing your eyes and listening carefully. Gabriel & Castellon describe their trademark sound as 'bouncy, chunky, melodic, crunked out house music with balls.' Certainly this tune is chunky and melodic, but perhaps represents a move from the 'crunked out' to the sexier end of the scale for the boys. Either way, it's fantastic, carefully-planned and well-executed tune that they should feel proud to add to their extensive catalogue of great music.
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