The world is a whirl of miscellaneous colors. On one day, we may see it in dazzling neon, but it could fade to black and white on another day. The things we do, the people we meet, and the challenges we face are not always pleasant. We always hold on to the joyful moments, but sometimes forget that the struggles also help us mature. All highs and lows can be valuable pieces of our lives. As songwriters, we attempt to capture these emotions that we have: happiness, doubt, frustration, determination, longing… If we appreciate these emotions in life, it becomes colorful; if we appreciate these emotions in music, it becomes chromatic. This album is about our growth and realizations in the past year- both mentally and musically. The name ‘Chromatic’ also signifies both the variety of emotions and the style of music presented in this album. We have prepared six original songs, each with a completely different theme and tone color. Comparing to our last album, ‘Chromatic’ is richer and more modern, with more complex rhythm, harmony, and the use of synthesizers. It has distinct features of mainstream pop music, embellished with elements of R&B. ‘Chromatic’ is carefully designed and sculpted; it is only more explicit, and never less authentic, than ‘First Draft.’ 世事无常人间多变,我们仿佛生活于一个旋转的彩色罗盘,盘旋、加速、缓冲、停滞。风雨变幻莫测,人亦如风雨。生活是你也是我,我们因所见、所闻、所观、所感时而欢乐,时而忧伤。我们习惯于铭记、庆祝喜悦,而忘却、唾骂磨难与挫折;然而塞翁失马焉知非福,不论利害与是非,一切经历、一切情绪都是组成完整人生的重要拼图。作为音乐创作者,我们试图捕捉并留住这些多样的情绪:快乐、迷茫、沮丧、坚定、渴望....生活因其而丰富,音乐因其而多彩。 本张专辑记录了我们过去一年中身心及音乐的成长,以“Chromatic”为名也正标志了专辑中歌曲情绪与风格的多样化。此次专辑包含了6首原创歌曲,每一首都有着独特的主题与别具一格的色泽。我们在传统的流行风格中加入了些许R&B的元素,与上一张专辑相比,“Chromatic”通过更为复杂的节奏、和声,以及对合成器的运用,使得音乐变得更加丰满、更具色彩,也更为现代。与“First Draft”相较而言,“Chromatic”只会更为真率而诚意不减。
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