Can’t control myself (大势)

Can’t control myself (大势)

“Life is crap Welcome to the human race But the good news is, you are not alone.” 原曲-Can’t control myself 泰妍 Cover:阿柯 木九 道明寺 Mix:荷包蛋 海报:道明寺 视频:阿柯 音译:啊颂 大势诚意翻唱

Can’t control myself (大势)

By道明寺_ · 1642818168413

“Life is crap Welcome to the human race But the good news is, you are not alone.” 原曲-Can’t control myself 泰妍 Cover:阿柯 木九 道明寺 Mix:荷包蛋 海报:道明寺 视频:阿柯 音译:啊颂 大势诚意翻唱

