Popule meus [Improperia, Adoration of the Cross 14th-15th Century, Ms. C55-C56]
Ensemble Oktoechos , Massimo Bisson , Antonio Bortolami , Schola Gregoriana di Venezia , Lanfranco Menga
Crucem tuam [Antiphon, Adoration of the Cross 14th-15th Century, Ms. C55-C56]
Ensemble Oktoechos , Riccardo Drusi , Schola Gregoriana di Venezia , Lanfranco Menga
Crux fidelis [Inno, Adoration of the Cross 14th-15th Century, Ms. C55-C56]
Ensemble Oktoechos , Schola Gregoriana di Venezia , Lanfranco Menga
Planctus Mariae [Sequenza, Adoration of the Cross 14th-15th Century, Ms. C55-C56]
Ensemble Oktoechos , Angelo de Leonardis , Deborah de Blasi , Monica Falconio , Milli Fullin , Alessandra Vavasori , Schola Gregoriana di Venezia , Lanfranco Menga
Dum transisset sabbatum [Responsorio, Visitatio Sepulchri 10th Century]
Ensemble Oktoechos , Roberto Girolin , Nicola Lamon , Schola Gregoriana di Venezia , Lanfranco Menga
Nos mulieres [Dramma liturgico, Visitatio Sepulchri 10th Century]
Ensemble Oktoechos , Letizia Butterin , Diego Mazzaro , Schola Gregoriana di Venezia , Lanfranco Menga
Dicant nunc Judei [Antifona, Visitatio Sepulchri 10th Century]
Ensemble Oktoechos , Schola Gregoriana di Venezia , Lanfranco Menga
Te deum [Inno, Visitatio Sepulchri 10th Century]
Ensemble Oktoechos , Schola Gregoriana di Venezia , Lanfranco Menga
Salve festa dies [Inno, Domenica di Resurrezione]
Ensemble Oktoechos , Schola Gregoriana di Venezia , Lanfranco Menga
Ensemble Oktoechos的其他专辑
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