My ribs are just a hollow cage; simply bones around a bare and withered tree, buried in sheets. Frost starts creeping in. In frozen earth, my heart takes root. Beneath the soil, it beats; it pumps the winter’s ashes through my veins. But still, my chest remains in cold repose, prepared to take its final breath alone, until a song begins to warm my blood. Suddenly, the sun melts through the snow, some leaves begin to show, the tree resumes its growth. I’m in bloom. My ribs are just a hollow cage; simply bones around a bare and withered tree, shaking off the sleep. Frost starts creeping in. In frozen earth, my heart takes root. Beneath the soil, it beats; it pumps the winter’s ashes through my veins. But still, my chest remains in cold repose, prepared to take its final breath alone, until a song begins to warm my blood. Fight inertia. Steel your gaze. Break the silence. Speak your name. Suddenly, the sun melts through the snow, some leaves begin to show, the tree resumes its growth. Water me with pain. Let the sorrow rain. Help me to grow back again.
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