"Before, After" is an EP by Endless Melancholy. Originally finished in July of 2012 it was released by Twice Removed as a limited edition CDr on November 1st, 2012. Sometimes you are sent music that is simply beautiful. This is a recent example in the form of Ukrainian pianist Endless Melancholy. A self-taught musician, this work completely addresses what I was talking about in my recent interview with Fluid Radio. This is an artist who has been brave enough to understand that sometimes the most wonderful and beautiful moments are the simplest things to create. This record is so enriching. Essentially made up of 2 long tracks interspersed with minutes of calm ‘You are the Moonlight’ is one of the most gorgeous piano pieces I have heard in quite some time. If it were my record, I would probably not have added the strings to the music. The piano is so strong and enduring that the strings don’t really feel like a necessity. It pushes the music too close to the world of Olafur Arnalds – no bad thing – and doesn’t shout this is Endless Melancholy. But, that small quibble a side, this is a very beautiful piece of music that suggests that Endless Melancholy, or Oleksii Sakevych, could be somebody to watch very closely in the future. Minimalist piano at its finest. Reminiscent of Nils Frahm’s ‘Screws’ this is definitely one for the piano lover and I imagine late night wine drinking.
Endless Melancholy的其他专辑
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- 好希望这里可以成为大家的一个庇护所 在深夜安安静静不吵不闹 路过的朋友留下一个故事或沉默 大家都彼此默契 等待天明。 ———————— 单主会将平时听到的一些小众的、节奏非常舒缓的、适合睡眠、冥想、写作、思考的音乐收录进来,如这个歌单里的「松田光由、小濑村晶、α·Pav、Endless Melancholy、hideyuki hashimoto…… 」他们的曲子。 每一首曲子都是由单主精心挑选并亲自“试睡”的助眠歌曲,睡不着的时候可以用来平复心绪;如果失眠很严重的话,不要急躁,闭上眼睛深呼吸,放松身体,告诉自己“即使没有睡着也没有关系的”,因为闭上眼睛放松也是一种休息。 本歌单持续更新,但是缓慢,因为单主想保证歌单质量,并把真正适合的歌曲收录进来,希望不管是失眠还是睡眠,这个歌单都可以一直陪伴着你,谢谢喜欢这个歌单的你们。 晚安呀~
- 关了灯全都一个样,心里的伤,无法分享
- 唯有此曲和你,才能入眠