A New Astronomy is Jennifer Gentle at their most experimental, featuring drones, repetition, acoustic pieces, [and] the occasional song." -- Terrascope UK Dedicated to Giovanni Paneroni, amateur astronomer and misunderstood genius, A New Astronomy is probably the most eccentric and out-there Jennifer Gentle release to date. Recorded mostly in Marco Fasolo's bedroom on a four-track cassette machine, the album was conceived as the imaginary soundtrack for some of the member's most bizarre, vivid dreams--obviously interspersed by the occasional nightmare. Grainy, hallucinated musical scores depict the beautiful, the scary, the annoying, and the simply absurd. The album runs the gamut from ghostly ambient drones to brain-damaged acoustic sketches, covering everything in between--including furious guitar freak-outs and an homage to British '60s producer Joe Meek.
Jennifer Gentle的其他专辑
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