5-HT是5-hydroxytryptamine的缩写,全名5-羟色胺,是人体内含量极高的神经递质,能从大脑层面帮助人类产生愉悦情绪,也因此被称为传递快乐情绪的信使。我们用它命名减压周,赋予其更深刻的含义:互动-Give me「5」,快乐-「H」appiness与感恩-「T」hanks 5-HT减压周 (原名 RUOK减压周)在宁波诺丁汉大学已成功举办五年。在每一学期的期末阶段,这一系列秉持着人文关怀理念的减压活动帮助师生释放压力,曾获得高度好评、引起巨大共鸣。 “5-HT” is short for 5-hydroxytryptamine, also known as the happy messenger. It is a very high neurotransmitter in the body to help human brain produce happy emotions. There is also a meaning applied, saying: “5” as in “Give me five”, “H” as in “Happiness” and “T” as in “Thanks”. Following the success of previous RUOK? Weeks, the 5-HT Week aims to provide students and staff with a concentrated environment to relax themselves during the exam season.