Maeda Yasuyuki and Li Song are musicians and computer programmers based in Nagoya and London, respectively. They both improvise with their computers through code using SuperCollider, a real-time sound synthesis system. They first connected online in 2017 through OSC Hub, a computer music program for remote collaboration created by Tadashi Usami. They self-released "Two Laptops" in February 2022, and later released it as a tape on Karma Detonation. It was recorded during Maeda’s trip to London in the summer of 2019. This release was recorded during Li's visit to Tokyo in the winter of 2022, all in one afternoon. One recording took place under a bridge by the river around 2 p.m., and the other in a small community park in the area around 5 p.m. They placed the portable recorder between two laptops. Along with the sounds coming from the laptops' built-in speakers, the sounds of the surroundings were also recorded, including the passing cars on highways, motorboats, waves, birds, and people passing by. One of the recordings captured someone saying "Stop it" in Japanese, though neither recalls hearing it during their time in the park. Li Song は英国、ロンドン在住の中国人コンピュータ・プログラマー / ミュージシャン。即興音楽のライヴハウスとしてよく知られるロンドンの Cafe OTO にも多く出演し、音楽家として意欲的に活動している。中国、北京の実験音楽家 Zhu Wenbo ともコラボレーションを通して深い繫りがある。2022年12月に Li Song は来日し、以前から共同作業を続けている名古屋在住のコンピュータ・プログラマー / ミュージシャンの前田康行と、12月28日に東京の荒川近くの屋外2ヶ所でラップトップを使いレコーディングをおこなう (まずは荒川にかかる橋の下で、それから近くの児童公園「扇みしま公園」で)。そして最終的に28分前後の2曲を制作し、本アルバムに収録。どちらの曲も、周囲の環境音が終始静かに続く中、種々のデジタル・サウンドが控えめに被さって聞こえてくる。自然な風景にコンセプチュアルで実験的な様相がさりげなく取り込まれた作品。 Maeda Yasuyuki: laptop computer (SuperCollider / Overtone) Li Song: laptop computer (SuperCollider) Recorded by Li Song and Maeda Yasuyuki in Arakawa, Tokyo, December 28, 2022 Mastered by Hiroyuki Ura Artwork and design by Yulin Huang
Maeda Yasuyuki的其他专辑
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Li Song的其他专辑
- 1649347200000