病毒肆虐著世界、驚慌失措竄逃的民眾、防護衣中焦頭爛額的救護人員、一連串帳篷搭起的緊急應變中心…等等,歷歷在目的災難片/殭屍片畫面,如今活生生地在現實生活中上演。 打開電視,新聞畫面也與電影中所臨摹的新聞畫面不謀而合。 自從2020年初以來,原本具娛樂性質的驚悚片,一個個突如其來地成真,嚇得全世界措手不及。 至今2021年已過了超過一半,而我們仍舊困在這失序的2020古堡裡,期待著全球免疫、不再需要保護牆各自封閉的那天。 Virus taking over the planet, masses fleeing disorderly, personnels working in medical protective gears with their hands full, emergency response center built by a panorama of tents, etc. While circumstances that vividly appeared in disaster/ zombie films have now taken place in the real world, news footage ironically corresponds to the ones mimicked in movies as well. Entertaining thrillers have been realized since 2020, catching the whole world off guard. Over half of 2021 have passed by, yet we’re still stuck in “Resident 2020”, the real world version of “Resident Evil”, fighting for the day of mass immunity.
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