With 'Nuevo' - a project based entirely around Mexican composers, musical traditions and influences - the Kronos Quartet have delivered one of the most striking group odysseys to date. Produced by Gustavo Santaolalla, both an authority on Latin American art music as well as the most in-demand producers of rock en espanol, the album also features a host of guest artists from both the concert hall as well as the streets of Mexico.
El Sinaloense (The Man from Sinaloa)
Kronos Quartet , Andre Zweers , Andy Ackland , Joe Chiccarelli , Leslie Ann Jones
Se Me Hizo Facil (It Was Easy for Me)
Kronos Quartet , Andre Zweers , Dann Thomson , Leslie Ann Jones , Luanne Warner , Tom Luekens
El Llorar (Crying)
Kronos Quartet , Alejandro Flores , Anibal Kerpel , Edgar Hernandez , Efren Vargas
Kronos Quartet , Alfredo Bringas , Andre Zweers , Andy Ackland , Claudia Oliveira , Joe Chiccarelli , Leslie Ann Jones , Raúl Tudón , Ricardo Gallardo
K'in Sventa Ch'ul Me'tik Kwadulupe (Festival for the Holy Mother Guadalupe)
Kronos Quartet , Andre Zweers , Carmen Gomez Oso , Dann Thomson , Leslie Ann Jones , Luanne Warner , Pegro Lunes Takil Beket , Rominko Mendez Xik, , Rominko Patixtan Patixtan , Tom Luekens , Xun Perez Hol Cotom
Tabu (Taboo)
Kronos Quartet , Andre Zweers , Andy Ackland , Joe Chiccarelli , Leslie Ann Jones , Luis Conte
Kronos Quartet , Andre Zweers , Dann Thomson , Gustavo Santaolalla , Leslie Ann Jones , Luna Santaolalla , Tom Luekens
Kronos Quartet , Alejandro Flores , Carlos Honc , Edgar Hernandez , Emmanuel , Emmanuel del Real , Joselo , Quique , Ritacantalagua , Luis Roman
Kronos Quartet的其他专辑
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