How Will We Be Remembered
1066 The Musical , Tyrone Huntley , SAM POPE , Anna Simmons , Stephen Leask , Samantha Dorrance , Will Kenning , Joseph Peters , Chloe Champken , Pedro Lloyd Gardiner , Katy Hanna , Rosie Ward , Ensemble
Harold's Coronation
1066 The Musical , SAM POPE , Will Kenning , Anna Simmons , Joseph Peters , Ensemble
Matilda's Thoughts (feat. Chloe Champken)
1066 The Musical , Chloe Champken , Tyrone Huntley , Rosie Ward
Tostig's Deal (feat. Pedro Lloyd Gardiner & Joseph Peters)
1066 The Musical , Pedro Lloyd Gardiner , Joseph Peters
Waiting By The Shore
1066 The Musical , Tyrone Huntley , Chloe Champken , Rosie Ward , SAM POPE , Will Kenning , Ensemble
Hail Hardrada (feat. Pedro Lloyd Gardiner)
1066 The Musical , Pedro Lloyd Gardiner , Katy Hanna , Rosie Ward , Ensemble
The Battle Of Fulford / Why Won't You Listen To Me (feat. Anna Simmons)
1066 The Musical , Anna Simmons , SAM POPE , Will Kenning , Ensemble
Welcome To The North (feat. Stephen Leask)
1066 The Musical , Stephen Leask , SAM POPE , Will Kenning , Samantha Dorrance , Ensemble
Unexpected Love (feat. Sam Pope & Samantha Dorrance)
1066 The Musical , SAM POPE , Samantha Dorrance
The Battle Of Stamford Bridge
1066 The Musical , SAM POPE , Pedro Lloyd Gardiner , Will Kenning , Stephen Leask , Joseph Peters , Katy Hanna , Rosie Ward , Ensemble
The Wind Is Blowing North
1066 The Musical , Tyrone Huntley , Chloe Champken , Rosie Ward , Ensemble
Harold's Victory
1066 The Musical , Stephen Leask , SAM POPE , Will Kenning , Samantha Dorrance , Ensemble
William Invades / Should I Leave (feat. Anna Simmons)
1066 The Musical , Anna Simmons , Tyrone Huntley , SAM POPE , Samantha Dorrance , Will Kenning , Stephen Leask , Rosie Ward , Chloe Champken , Ensemble
The Battle Of Hastings / When You See Your Life (feat. Anna Simmons & Samantha Dorrance)
1066 The Musical , Anna Simmons , Samantha Dorrance , SAM POPE , Tyrone Huntley , Rosie Ward , Will Kenning , Stephen Leask , Ensemble
Epilogue / Finale
1066 The Musical , Tyrone Huntley , SAM POPE , Anna Simmons , Stephen Leask , Samantha Dorrance , Will Kenning , Joseph Peters , Chloe Champken , Pedro Lloyd Gardiner , Katy Hanna , Rosie Ward , Ensemble