

Inspired by NAVER’s popular webtoon series “Horang-e-hyeongnim,” also known as “Barkhan,” the music depicts the romantic and fierce stories of the various characters and mythical creatures from the Far East. This original music composed and produced by Michael Choi brings together orchestral and Korean traditional music into a harmonious and epic song. [Credit] Music by Michael Choi Arrangement by Michael Choi, Andi Roselund Orchestrator by Dominik Svoboda FILMharmonic Orchestra Prague Conducted by Adam Klemens Recording Engineer Jan Holzner Recorded Smecky Music Studios, Prague Orchestral Contractor and Session Supervision by Petr Pýcha for MUSA, s.r.o. Taepyeongso/Piri by Kyoungtai Kim Daegeum by Keeyeub Kim Danso by Andi Roselund Gayageum 1 by Yuny Park Gayageum 2 by Andi Roselund Haegeum by Gyeowoon Jung Gugak Recording by Andi Roselund Mixing and Mastering by Pablo Schuller Album Produced by Michael Choi Webtoon by Sang-gyu Le


Michael Choi · 1660665600000

Inspired by NAVER’s popular webtoon series “Horang-e-hyeongnim,” also known as “Barkhan,” the music depicts the romantic and fierce stories of the various characters and mythical creatures from the Far East. This original music composed and produced by Michael Choi brings together orchestral and Korean traditional music into a harmonious and epic song. [Credit] Music by Michael Choi Arrangement by Michael Choi, Andi Roselund Orchestrator by Dominik Svoboda FILMharmonic Orchestra Prague Conducted by Adam Klemens Recording Engineer Jan Holzner Recorded Smecky Music Studios, Prague Orchestral Contractor and Session Supervision by Petr Pýcha for MUSA, s.r.o. Taepyeongso/Piri by Kyoungtai Kim Daegeum by Keeyeub Kim Danso by Andi Roselund Gayageum 1 by Yuny Park Gayageum 2 by Andi Roselund Haegeum by Gyeowoon Jung Gugak Recording by Andi Roselund Mixing and Mastering by Pablo Schuller Album Produced by Michael Choi Webtoon by Sang-gyu Le


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