“在日本黄昏有‘逢魔时刻’一说,如同字面意义,此时的人容易遇见不存在于现世之物。日本的神道教信仰中,相信自然界中两样不同东西的交界处或世景物骤然变化的地方能连结现世和隐世,如山河之间、瀑布及海市蜃楼等地,而位于白天和黑夜之间的时间交界处的黄昏也是其中之一。”而人与人之间因为各种原因而成的暧昧不明,就类似黄昏的氛围。 这次张伍新专辑《黄昏》在于阐述那些光怪陆离的事物,经常来自人性的投射,仿佛现代版《聊斋志异》般,《黄昏》的八首曲目题材皆围绕在几个不具名的角色之中,而那些角色可能就是之后的你我他…一声一响的逐一刻凿各种社会现象,并圈出一道道人生中幽暗的圆。 In traditional Japan, there is a saying in fuzzy zones in nature, between light and dark, sea and mountain, where weird things are most likely to be encountered. Twilight is one of the moments. Twilight, the atmosphere filled with the ambiguity that we often see between people caused by a variety of reasons. It is captured by Chang-Wu’s new album “Twilight” along with a lot more of eerinesses in life, just like “Strange Stories from Liao Zhai” in the modern era and society that we could all possibly be living in for quite a while…