《鸣(Ming)》是RantMarsonZander时隔漫长的沉淀期之后,带来的回归之作。作为身处中国西北的新生电子音乐力量,RantMarsonZander在探索电子音乐与中国民族乐器的无限可能中前行漫步。邀请到荣获中国音乐最高奖“金钟奖”金奖获得者、央视“中国十大青年古筝演奏家”、国际音乐节“Warsawautumn”、“Uitima”、“ISCM”演出嘉宾、浙江音乐学院副教授、硕士生导师—刘乐老师合作演奏,共同完成创作。筝乐声鸣,筝弦撩动,镜头画面穿越现代,电子音乐与中国古筝碰撞,是磅礴高山中的细水长流,时而激越时而宁静,饱满而有韵律。鸣声入耳,细细聆听,幻想着山水闲适,月色清明,逍遥尽在梦境,豪情留于心间,乐鸣回响,余音绕梁。 "Ming" is Rant Marson Zander's comeback after a long period of precipitation. As a new force of electronic music in Northwest China, Rant Marson Zander is exploring the infinite possibilities of electronic music and Chinese national musical instruments. Invited to be the gold medal winner of the "Golden Bell Award", the highest music award in China, CCTV "Top Ten Young Guzheng Performers in China", international music festival "Warsawautumn", "Uitima", "ISCM" guest performers, associate professor and master of Zhejiang Conservatory of Music Student tutor—Mr. Liu Le cooperated to perform and complete the creation together. The zither music sounds, the zither strings mov
Rant Marson Zander的其他专辑
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- 格莱美汇 , MiraclE , IZZI一几 , ATTACK , Unity , 怪獣KAIJU , MOXIDE , Miinos , NIng , AlanMF (GasBomb) , Foote(GasBomb) , Forkyrie , BETO , VESK GREEN 青菜 , Aryue , COEXIST , L?NX , 饼饼 , lyhyuhan , Hunting黄钰婷 , 月璃丿可可 , 沧海浮萍客 , SpirIT , ASUKA , 大囍花 , ASLAN , Forwe兰斯 , MushrooM『蘑菇兄弟』 , Watchmen , ChAn. , Await591 , JocularACE , 胡海德Hamelin Hu , HankJerry , 肆介NeonSekai , Vanessa , Rant Marson Zander , KITSUNE , 陈奕楠 , 维本文化 , Taisheng Music
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