作为山人乐队新专辑的第二首单曲,《鸟语》以更具深度的世界音乐自觉,与沉淀多年旷达心性,托出一派灵秀而瑰伟的浑然之境。 《鸟语》以西方音乐律动为基底,结合自然声音采样,为歌曲增添灵动、鲜活之气。空灵的电子旋律营造出自然界清新而神秘的气场。随着各式民族打击乐器的加入,音乐在不断重复、回旋之中,堆叠出越发丰富的情状。 As the second single of the new album of the Shanren, « Birdsong » is their consciousness of more rooted world music, and the inner meditation for decades, and has brought out a splendid and magnificent artistic conception. « Birdsong » Based on Western music rhythm, combined with natural sound sampling, Shanren adds agility and fresh to the song. The ethereal electronic melody creates a fresh and mysterious atmosphere in nature. With the addition of various ethnic percussion instruments, the music is continuously repeating and swirling, stacking more and more emotions.