

钟兴民 Baby-C: 铜管乐器一直以来都是东方人的遗憾,因为生理构造的不同。国中三年级开始接触小号(我只能是753等级的程度)、心中也一直有个不敢相信会实现的愿望,就是做一张小号的专辑,幸好认识了Yannick,帮我完成了这张专辑。 感谢所有乐手的参与,金木义则,吴政君,锺汉、弦乐老师们曜爆甘、录音师孙绍庭、幕后所有的工作伙伴,没有你们就不会有这张专辑的诞生、感谢。 It’s with regret that when the Asians plays the brass instrument, because of the physiological structure. I’ve started to learn playing the trumpet since I was a ninth grader. (I was only able to play for the funerals.) There was a dream buried in my mind and I didn’t dare to think about the dream come which is to compose for a trumpet album. Fortunately, Yannick made my dream come true. Thanks to all musicians for their participation, Kaneki Yoshinori, Alex Wu, Han Chung, and all the string orchestra by Just Busy Music Studio, recording engineer Shao-Ting Sun, and all the staffs. This album would never come out without you. Thanks a lot! Yannick Barman: 能在专辑中加入弦乐是个难能可贵的机会,也实现了我的梦想。这张专辑介于爵士与古典之间,充满美妙的旋律和令人惊艳的节奏。 这也是一场漫游在现代与传统之间的旅程。 将弦乐加入乐曲创作中是一项新的挑战,也是个非常振奋人心的工作。 我希望找到简单但细腻的旋律线条,丰富柔和的声响,具有强烈的个性同时保有足够的灵活与弹性,以此为创作留出空间,带领作品到达一个全新的维度。 Making an album with strings is a rare opportunity and a dream come true. This album is on the border between jazz and classical music, magnificent melodies and surprising rhythms. It is also a journey between moderism and tradition. Composing melodies that would then be arranged for a string orchestra was a new challenge and very inspiring work. I wanted to find simple but sophisticated lines, rich and soft chords with a strong personality but enough flexibility to leave room for creative arrangements that take them to a new dimension.


钟兴民 · 1661356800000

钟兴民 Baby-C: 铜管乐器一直以来都是东方人的遗憾,因为生理构造的不同。国中三年级开始接触小号(我只能是753等级的程度)、心中也一直有个不敢相信会实现的愿望,就是做一张小号的专辑,幸好认识了Yannick,帮我完成了这张专辑。 感谢所有乐手的参与,金木义则,吴政君,锺汉、弦乐老师们曜爆甘、录音师孙绍庭、幕后所有的工作伙伴,没有你们就不会有这张专辑的诞生、感谢。 It’s with regret that when the Asians plays the brass instrument, because of the physiological structure. I’ve started to learn playing the trumpet since I was a ninth grader. (I was only able to play for the funerals.) There was a dream buried in my mind and I didn’t dare to think about the dream come which is to compose for a trumpet album. Fortunately, Yannick made my dream come true. Thanks to all musicians for their participation, Kaneki Yoshinori, Alex Wu, Han Chung, and all the string orchestra by Just Busy Music Studio, recording engineer Shao-Ting Sun, and all the staffs. This album would never come out without you. Thanks a lot! Yannick Barman: 能在专辑中加入弦乐是个难能可贵的机会,也实现了我的梦想。这张专辑介于爵士与古典之间,充满美妙的旋律和令人惊艳的节奏。 这也是一场漫游在现代与传统之间的旅程。 将弦乐加入乐曲创作中是一项新的挑战,也是个非常振奋人心的工作。 我希望找到简单但细腻的旋律线条,丰富柔和的声响,具有强烈的个性同时保有足够的灵活与弹性,以此为创作留出空间,带领作品到达一个全新的维度。 Making an album with strings is a rare opportunity and a dream come true. This album is on the border between jazz and classical music, magnificent melodies and surprising rhythms. It is also a journey between moderism and tradition. Composing melodies that would then be arranged for a string orchestra was a new challenge and very inspiring work. I wanted to find simple but sophisticated lines, rich and soft chords with a strong personality but enough flexibility to leave room for creative arrangements that take them to a new dimension.

