

澳籍唱作人Jingrou首张华语Afro-R&B/ Dancehall Single,she digs deep into the soul, captivating fans with remarkable cadence, delivery and smooth tempos that enable audiences to feel her innermost emotions. Being swept into a whirlwind of love is what hopeless romantics dream of. Jingrou’s voice demonstrate this blissful moment in time when nothing else matters but you and that special someone. 将传统热情的非洲节奏Afrobeat与风靡全球的音乐风格R&B融合在一起,并用她独有的丰富质感,性感灵动的嗓音诠释。也是国际两大流派与国语的无缝链接,希望带给听众特别的身临其境体验。 作为绝望的浪漫主义者,希望用声音带你进入此时浪漫的时刻: “除了你和那个特别的人,其他都不重要”


静炎 Zoe Z · 1723910400000

澳籍唱作人Jingrou首张华语Afro-R&B/ Dancehall Single,she digs deep into the soul, captivating fans with remarkable cadence, delivery and smooth tempos that enable audiences to feel her innermost emotions. Being swept into a whirlwind of love is what hopeless romantics dream of. Jingrou’s voice demonstrate this blissful moment in time when nothing else matters but you and that special someone. 将传统热情的非洲节奏Afrobeat与风靡全球的音乐风格R&B融合在一起,并用她独有的丰富质感,性感灵动的嗓音诠释。也是国际两大流派与国语的无缝链接,希望带给听众特别的身临其境体验。 作为绝望的浪漫主义者,希望用声音带你进入此时浪漫的时刻: “除了你和那个特别的人,其他都不重要”


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