新专辑将是荷尔蒙小姐乐队蜕变后崭新的开始。新专辑传递的是更加成熟、反思的声音。相较于以往更趋于受众口味的歌曲,现在她们的新歌更具探索性,不仅只是新的声音,也呈现着她们走出校园、踏入社会后的新身份、新生活及新态度。 新专辑打破固有而老旧的一切,渗透并挥发出全新的能量,是在成都灰暗天空下一种成熟而忧郁的观察。你可以深切感受到她们第一次看到这个真切的世界:前方曲折颠簸的道路、被污染而浑浊的空气、对新欢的幻想背后是心碎失望的真相、超越人类认知理解的一方水土,还有那些尚未触及的人生教训和哲理。这是年轻人学着认识这个世界、处理不满、找寻出口的一张专辑,向你讲述四个女孩的故事,讲述她们探寻能量为自己发声、挑战这个世界,也挑战着自我。 Their debut, 招手“Beckon”will be THE HORMONES first step into their new skin. They didn’t go halfway, shirking off their dance pop roots like a usedcocoon. Beckon is a much more mature voice of reflection. Their earlier outings were audience driven, their new album now is lead with a sense of exploration, not just of new sounds but a new identity, trying to make sense of the world as they leave the safe confines of school and plunge into the complex nature of society. The album is fractured, and breaths a renewed, punky energy, a more mature melancholic observation of the grey polluted skies that rolls over Chengdu. You feel the band seeing the world as truth for the first time, the bumpy road ahead, the foggy polluted air, the disappointing truth behind the illusion of new love, the magic of places beyond human understanding, and the onslaught of life lessons yet to be learned. It is an album of youth learning to deal with discontent and finding the will to rage against it. 招手“Beckon“ is the story of four girls finding the energy and voice to challenge the world and themselves.