我的世界 (奇市版)

我的世界 (奇市版)

我的世界是新加坡樂團《流浪學者》的一首搖滾情歌。在茫茫人海中找到生命中的緣分;手牽手步入彼此的世界,心中除了滿滿的愛和感謝。 改編的“奇市版”將《奇市樂團》典型的另類搖滾聲音重新詮釋這首“我的世界”;帶領聽眾踏上一段溫暖而夢幻的旅程。 “MY WORLD” is pop-rock ballad by Singapore Mandoband, Homeless Scholars. The song describes how one finds love amongst the universe of people;holding hands as a couple steps into each others’ world with their hearts full of love and gratitude. “Quis” reinterprets “MY WORLD” with their brand of alternative and indie elements – taking listeners on a warm and dreamy journey.

我的世界 (奇市版)

奇市乐团 · 1677168000000

我的世界是新加坡樂團《流浪學者》的一首搖滾情歌。在茫茫人海中找到生命中的緣分;手牽手步入彼此的世界,心中除了滿滿的愛和感謝。 改編的“奇市版”將《奇市樂團》典型的另類搖滾聲音重新詮釋這首“我的世界”;帶領聽眾踏上一段溫暖而夢幻的旅程。 “MY WORLD” is pop-rock ballad by Singapore Mandoband, Homeless Scholars. The song describes how one finds love amongst the universe of people;holding hands as a couple steps into each others’ world with their hearts full of love and gratitude. “Quis” reinterprets “MY WORLD” with their brand of alternative and indie elements – taking listeners on a warm and dreamy journey.

