

都市裡面,形形色色的人,各種各樣的事情在每日發生。在這個都市裡面,最容易產生光怪陸離的行為。但是,我們卻依然要依賴這個所謂的都市完成我們所有的衣食住行。 In the city, all kinds of people, all kinds of things happen every day. In this city, the most prone to bizarre behavior. However, we still have to rely on this so-called city to complete all our food, clothing, housing and transportation.


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都市裡面,形形色色的人,各種各樣的事情在每日發生。在這個都市裡面,最容易產生光怪陸離的行為。但是,我們卻依然要依賴這個所謂的都市完成我們所有的衣食住行。 In the city, all kinds of people, all kinds of things happen every day. In this city, the most prone to bizarre behavior. However, we still have to rely on this so-called city to complete all our food, clothing, housing and transportation.
