

这首歌写的是和小时候的玩伴渐渐疏离的故事。 每个人小时候都会有一些很要好的朋友,但是随着成长经历的变化,彼此之间的交集会越来越少,甚至有一天对方可能都不再记得你。当你再找到对方的时候,也许聊起往日时光,对方可能也不再记得,甚至变成了一种打扰,只剩下一句喃喃自语的“对不起”。 This song is about growing apart from your childhood playmate. Everyone has some very good friends when they are young, but as they grow up, the overlap between them will become less and less, and even one day the other person may no longer remember you. When you find each other again, maybe talking about the past time, the other party may no longer remember, and even become a disturbance, only a mumbling "sorry".


张文灏 · 1653648713195

这首歌写的是和小时候的玩伴渐渐疏离的故事。 每个人小时候都会有一些很要好的朋友,但是随着成长经历的变化,彼此之间的交集会越来越少,甚至有一天对方可能都不再记得你。当你再找到对方的时候,也许聊起往日时光,对方可能也不再记得,甚至变成了一种打扰,只剩下一句喃喃自语的“对不起”。 This song is about growing apart from your childhood playmate. Everyone has some very good friends when they are young, but as they grow up, the overlap between them will become less and less, and even one day the other person may no longer remember you. When you find each other again, maybe talking about the past time, the other party may no longer remember, and even become a disturbance, only a mumbling "sorry".

