「 按下还没忘的号码 / 没接通挂了电话 / 想要轻松的交谈 / 那是最困难的立场 」 「好南」的英文歌名「Go South」字面上看起来是「前往南方」的意思, 但其实「Go South」也是个词组,指「情况变糟、事情失败」的意思。 车往垦丁开,这里好南,英文也好难,再跟你说上话,真的好难。 There were a music festival named "Spring Scream" in Kenting, a beautiful seaside recreation area located in southern Taiwan, since 1995. Music lovers used to gather together every April as an annual routine. The mandarin song tile "好南" literally means (This Kenting place) is at the very south side (of Taiwan). Yet "好南" is also the homonym of "好难", which means (It is) so hard to (re-visit Kenintg with memories of past relationship.) The feelings inside started to go south while going south literally.
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