专辑以“云”为概念,通过声音呈现自然中水气不同形态的变化过程。碎片化的声音处理方式将一段音频切分成若干颗粒,就像组成云朵的水分子在4首单曲中经历“凝结”,“聚合”,“降雨”和“蒸发”。它们首尾相连不断循环,也暗示着自成闭环且周而复始的自然规律。 The album is centered around the concept of "clouds," presenting the various forms of water vapor in nature through sound. The granulation of sound breaks segments of audio into various sound objects varying in length, akin to the water molecules that make up clouds, which undergo "Condensation," "Cumulation," "Precipitation," and "Evaporation" across four tracks. These four tracks are interconnected and continuously looping, suggesting a self-contained cycle that reflects the recurring patterns of nature.