北京電子音樂孽障往世回暮 謹以此聲強烈祝願 Zaliva-D來自看不清路的人的聚集地,朝身邊不動的生命和吵鬧的雕像吐痰,這里面的聲音發育了很久很久,它們擰,扭,滾,撞,為你提供一場埋葬意識的原聲音樂。 「這張專輯有著曲折的命運,這些音樂來自2016年至2020年,它們之中有我最珍愛的作品,也是我們最常表演的作品。這些音樂險些埋沒在黑暗且短暫的年代。現在,它們重獲新生,帶著最強烈的祝願 — 萬物枯萎。」 — 李超 Total Withered专辑限量版黑胶唱片已上架国内电商平台。 作曲/混音:李超(于2016年-2020年完成) 母带处理:Thomas Stadnicki 封面原创/封面设计:郑道元 黑胶唱片发行:巫唱片-WV Sorcerer Productions Zaliva-D is back. Emerging from the filthy concrete cave of smoggy Beijing, Zaliva-D spits on the faces of those lifeless statues with unrelenting force. This album originates from the embryos of prelife, serving as a soundtrack for your mental funeral. “This album has a tortuous fate. The music in it was created between 2016 and 2020. Among them are some of my most cherished works, as well as those we have performed most frequently. These pieces nearly faded into oblivion during those dark and fleeting years. Now, they have been reborn with the strongest wishes — Total Withered.” — Li Chao All tracks produced & mixed by Li Chao 李超 during 2016-2020 Mastered by Thomas Stadnicki Artwork & layout by Cheng Daoyuan 鄭道元 © & ℗ WV Sorcerer Productions 2024
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