Der blaue Vogel (The Blue Bird) (ed. S. Tast, with narrated text by J. Tetzlaff and S. Tast):Brot, Feuer, Katze und Hund (Bread, Fire, Cat and Dog)

Der blaue Vogel (The Blue Bird) (ed. S. Tast, with narrated text by J. Tetzlaff and S. Tast):Brot, Feuer, Katze und Hund (Bread, Fire, Cat and Dog)

HUMPERDINCK, E.: Blaue Vogel (Der) (with narrated text by J. Tetzlaff and S. Tast) [Incidental Music] (J. Tetzlaff, Berlin Radio Symphony, S. Tast) Juri Tetzlaff 1665072000000