A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Basszus-es fiu-kepletek / Akkordok / Utolso akkordok csokkeno fenyben [Basses and Boys' Formulae / Chords / Last Chords in Dimming Light]

A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Basszus-es fiu-kepletek / Akkordok / Utolso akkordok csokkeno fenyben [Basses and Boys' Formulae / Chords / Last Chords in Dimming Light]

Csapo: Great Initial / Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment Field Musicians 1405353600000