Updated Thursday
(经常更新,很多好听歌曲都被新加入的歌曲挤压到下面位置,在歌单中下位置) 尘缘中琴声,月皎波澄。人们神怡心旷之际,耳边一阵微风忽起伏。远远传来缕缕琴声,悠悠扬扬,一种情韵却令人回肠荡气。虽琴声如诉,所有最静好的时光,最灿烂的风霜,而或最初的模样,都缓缓流淌起来。而琴声如诉,是在过尽千帆之后,看岁月把心迹澄清,是在身隔沧海之时,沉淀所有的波澜壮阔。在懂得之后,每一个音符下,都埋藏一颗平静而柔韧的心灵。 In the month of May, the white wave yellow. People feel fresh as a breeze and the ups and downs, ear. Far from the long strands, swirl, a charm is soulstirring. Although Moderato Cantabile, all the static good time, the most splendid of the wind, or the original appearance, all flowing slowly up. And Moderato Cantabile, after thousand years, see the imprint to clarify, in every sea, precipitation all surge high and sweep forward. In it, each note, all buried in a calm and flexible mind.