


About the Music Video of If I Were Not a Rapper “你想成为什么人?”这个问题很无聊,让我们来换个问法:“如果有平行世界,你觉得那个你会在做什么?”未来星和法老就对“不说唱的自己”展开了一系列荒唐又有趣的幻想——开宇宙飞船的大老板、笑疼妈妈肚子的相声演员、给小朋友倒开水的警察叔叔… “What kind of person would you like to be?” That is one boring question, unless we rephrase it — “If parallel universe existed, what would the other you be doing over there?” B3Rich and Pharaoh let their imagination go wild while thinking of their own lives as someone else “if they were not rappers” — a business mogul who drives a spaceship, a crosstalk artist that gives his mom a bellyache from laughing too hard, a police officer that pours boiling water for children… · 2019-12-03年