Tom Wilkinson - Organ
Kyrie (Missa Paradisi portas)
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
Gloria (Missa Paradisi portas)
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
At the Gradual - Tract: Adjuva nos
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
At the Gradual - Credo (Missa Paradisi portas)
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
At the Offertory - Pater peccavi
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
At the Offertory - Tiento de 1° tono de mano derecha
Paradisi Portas: Music From 17th-Century Portugal · 1531756800000
At the Elevation - Sitivit anima mea
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
At the Elevation - Agnus Dei (Missa Paradisi portas)
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
At the Elevation - Manducaverunt, et saturati sunt
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
At Communion - Tantum ergo sacramentum
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
Pro defunctis - Jesu redemptor, suscipe illam
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
Audivi vocem de cælo
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
At the Offertory - Paradisi portas
The Choir of the Queen's College Oxford
Owen Rees
Tom Wilkinson - Organ
Acerca de Tom Wilkinson - Organ