New Sadler's Wells Orchestra
I'm Called Little Buttercup (From Hms Pinafore)
Banaventura Bottone
Simon Phipps
New Sadler's Wells Orchestra
Elisabeth Richie
Gilbert & Sullivan
Linda Ormiston
Jean Rigby
Susan Bullock
Gordon Sandison
Leslie Echo Ross
Richard Van Allen
Lesley Garrett
Eric Idle
David Fieldsend
Marilyn Hill Smith
When the Night Wind Howls (From Ruddigore)
Thomas Lawler
Gilbert & Sullivan
Simon Phipps
New Sadler's Wells Orchestra
Never Mind the Why and Wherefore (From Hms Pinafore)
Jean Rigby
Banaventura Bottone
Leslie Echo Ross
Simon Phipps
Richard Van Allen
Nickolas Grace
Elisabeth Richie
Lesley Garrett
Susan Bullock
Linda Ormiston
New Sadler's Wells Orchestra
David Fieldsend
Gilbert & Sullivan
Gordon Sandison
Marilyn Hill Smith
Eric Idle
If Somebody There Chanced to Be (From Ruddigore)
Leslie Echo Ross
New Sadler's Wells Orchestra
Simon Phipps
Gilbert & Sullivan
Elisabeth Richie
Banaventura Bottone
Jean Rigby
Eric Idle
David Fieldsend
Richard Van Allen
Gordon Sandison
Marilyn Hill Smith
Linda Ormiston
Susan Bullock
Lesley Garrett
Never Mind the Why and Wherefore (From Hms Pinafore)
Gilbert & Sullivan
Simon Phipps
Elisabeth Richie
Nickolas Grace
New Sadler's Wells Orchestra
Gordon Sandison
When the Night Wind Howls (From Ruddigore)
Simon Phipps
Elisabeth Richie
Jean Rigby
Banaventura Bottone
Leslie Echo Ross
Lesley Garrett
David Fieldsend
Thomas Lawler
Richard Van Allen
Gilbert & Sullivan
Susan Bullock
Linda Ormiston
Eric Idle
New Sadler's Wells Orchestra
Marilyn Hill Smith
Gordon Sandison
Sobre New Sadler's Wells Orchestra