





About Mønochef

Mønochef,声音艺术家,电子音乐人,及音乐制作人。出生于中国昆明,现居于加拿大多伦多。在不同城市的生活经历,一定程度上蕴育了他至今大部分的创作思路和作品。他的创作就像他的名字——像单声道(mono)一样简约直白,又像厨师(chef)一样丰富有趣。 在过去十年里, Mønochef一直在不断挖掘音乐创作的各种可能性。他用随身携带的录音机把周围的声音录下来,然后用这些采样来进行创作,他尝试创作出新的声音,试图模糊掉音乐和噪音之间的界限,并给这些融合在大众日常生活里的声音构造出一段故事,赋予不一样的生命与情感。 Mønochef is a Sound Artist and Music Producer born in Kunming, China and based in Toronto. Life in different cities directly informs his works and the concepts. The way he describes himself is very much a metaphor for the way he creates music-as simple as mono, as fun as a chef. From past decade, Mønochef has been constantly seeking every possibility to create music. He used to travel with a recorder every day and capture the sounds around him. “For every city that I live in has its own specific sounds.” Mønochef explained “You know where you are when you hear the sounds.” Everything around him has its rhythm and he creates a way to make it joyous and vibrant works of art.


Mønochef,声音艺术家,电子音乐人,及音乐制作人。出生于中国昆明,现居于加拿大多伦多。在不同城市的生活经历,一定程度上蕴育了他至今大部分的创作思路和作品。他的创作就像他的名字——像单声道(mono)一样简约直白,又像厨师(chef)一样丰富有趣。 在过去十年里, Mønochef一直在不断挖掘音乐创作的各种可能性。他用随身携带的录音机把周围的声音录下来,然后用这些采样来进行创作,他尝试创作出新的声音,试图模糊掉音乐和噪音之间的界限,并给这些融合在大众日常生活里的声音构造出一段故事,赋予不一样的生命与情感。 Mønochef is a Sound Artist and Music Producer born in Kunming, China and based in Toronto. Life in different cities directly informs his works and the concepts. The way he describes himself is very much a metaphor for the way he creates music-as simple as mono, as fun as a chef. From past decade, Mønochef has been constantly seeking every possibility to create music. He used to travel with a recorder every day and capture the sounds around him. “For every city that I live in has its own specific sounds.” Mønochef explained “You know where you are when you hear the sounds.” Everything around him has its rhythm and he creates a way to make it joyous and vibrant works of art.